
New York Facial Palsy

Facial palsy is a type of birth injury that affects the nerves in the face of a baby. As a result, the baby will have a decreased ability to move parts of his (or her) face. When a baby is born with facial palsy, also referred to as facial paralysis, medical negligence such as the misuse of forceps during the delivery may have been the cause. If your baby suffered damage to the nerves or muscles in his face and you believe that the damage was caused by medical negligence, it is important that you immediately contact an experienced New York facial palsy Iawyer who will explain to you your legal rights to pursue compensation for the medical expenses needed to treat the injury and other related losses.

Symptoms and common causes of facial palsy

Facial palsy occurs when the baby’s facial nerve, called the seventh cranial nerve, is damaged. While in some cases the cause of the nerve damage is hard to pinpoint, in other cases it is caused by trauma to the baby’s head and face during a difficult delivery. When a baby is having difficulty moving through the birth canal, or if labor slows or stops, delivering the baby becomes much more challenging for the medical staff.

As a result the doctor may use excessive force to try to pull the baby through the birth canal. The doctor may opt to use delivery instruments such as forceps or a vacuum extractor. The result of the extra force exerted on the baby’s head and face as the doctor tries to deliver the baby can lead to damage to the baby’s facial nerve, leading to paralysis. Risk factors for facial palsy include large babies, prolonged labor, use of epidural, and use of medical to induce labor or increase contractions.

In babies paralysis in the face tends to occur on one side only, and is localized to mouth and cheek area. Symptoms of facial palsy include lack of movement on side of the face, drooping on one side of the face, drooping eyes, and an asymmetrical appearance to the face.

Pursuing compensation for facial paralysis

While in many cases infant facial palsy is a temporary condition and goes away without medical intervention. In other cases surgery is necessary to relieve pressure on the nerve. In still other cases the facial paralysis is permanent, but special therapy may help. In cases where the paralysis results in the child not being able to fully close an eye, an eyepad and eyedrops may be necessary to protect the eye.

As a New York facial palsy lawyer will explain, if your baby’s facial palsy was caused by your doctor’s negligent use of forceps, or by some other medical mistake, New York law allows you to file a claim in order to hold the negligent doctor accountable for the damage caused by his (or her) negligence. You can demand that the negligent doctor pay you fair compensation for the medical bills associated with treating your baby’s condition. This may include bills related to the hospital, surgery, therapy, medical equipment, and medication. If your child’s condition is permanent, you can demand payment for permanent disfigurement and pain and suffering.

It is important that you contact a facial palsy attorney in New York immediately to review your case. There are specific timelines and procedures that must be followed when filing a medical malpractice claim. Failure to follow the rules could result in you being barred from filing a claim and collecting damages regardless of whether your case has merit.

Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates

If you suspect that the damage to your baby’s face was caused by a negligent doctor, do not hesitate to immediately contact an experienced attorney. The facial palsy attorneys serving New York at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates have decades of experience standing up to negligent doctors and hospitals and winning significant settlements for victims. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk County and Westchester County.

Client Reviews
Great attorney helped out my family at a very hard time for us. His compassion and professionalism were greatly appreciated. Can't thank him and his staff enough for all the support and legal guidance ! Brad
Everyone was great, they created solutions to what I thought were insurmountable problems. The lawyers were prepared and clearly experienced. Thomas B.
Unbelievably easy and professional experience. Great communication and got the job done. Would highly recommend to anyone needing representation. Emily K.
Mr. Bilkis is courteous, and professional. I have had the pleasure of knowing him for many years. He is knowledgeable and hard working. Hire Stephen Bilkis for your all of your legal needs. He will fight for you and your family. Shawn S.