Nassau County Broken Bone
A broken bone, while painful, is a fairly common injury. A victim may suffer a broken bone from a car accident, a slip and fall accident, a motorcycle accident, or scaffold accident. It is one of the most common types of injuries suffered by victims of a bike accident. Most of us do not realize that it can be quite serious, and at times even life threatening. Hip and skull fractures, for instance, can lead to severe complications. These injuries cause not only pain and rehabilitation time, but also result in a substantial amount of medical debt and lost time at work. If you suffered a broken bone or some other type of serious injury in an accident due to the negligence of another person, you may be entitled to compensation for the losses that you suffered as a result of the accident. Do not hesitate to contact an experienced Nassau County broken bone lawyer who will be able to guide you through the process of filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent person.
Broken bones and accidentsThe reason that broken bones are a frequent consequence of vehicle accidents is due to the force that is exerted on the bones when one vehicle collides with another. In construction accidents bones are often broken from falls and mishaps with dangerous equipment. Bones that are commonly fractured include the arm, collarbone, ankle, foot, toe, hand, finger, leg, nose, and jaw. In addition, a frequent result of a car accident is a spinal cord injury in which vertebrae are sometimes crushed. Serious broken bone injuries are immediately apparent while hairline fractures often initially go undetected, causing them to worsen.
Types of broken bonesThe severity of the fracture will depend on a person's age and the type of injury. The older a person is, the more likely that this injury will occur, as the bones become more brittle. There are many different types of bone fractures, such as greenstick, compound and simple fracture. A greenstick fracture happens most often in children after falling, where the bone is bent, and the broken portion is not entirely separated from the bone. In a compound fracture, is also known as an open fracture, the broken bone breaks through the skin. This type of injury is quite serious, as it leaves the victim open to the possibility of a bone infection. A closed fracture is the simplest type of break, where there is no tearing of skin or tissue surrounding the injury. These injuries can lead to serious complications, particularly in the elderly. Infection, improper healing of the bone, compartment syndrome, and surgery are all very real possibilities. Medical bills can be exorbitant, time off work and pain and suffering can result.
Symptoms of broken bones can include intense pain, numbness, tingling, protruding bone, limited mobility, or swelling, bruising or bleeding. Treatment for broken bones depends on the severity of the break and the location of the break. For most fractures healing will result from the immobilization of the fracture using a splint or a cast for several weeks.
Physical therapy is sometimes needed following removal of the splint or cast to reduce stiffness, restore movement, and strengthen muscle. In other cases surgery is required to make sure that the bones stay in the correct position to ensure proper healing. During the surgery plates, rods or screws are inserted. Surgery is often required for car accident injuries that involve multiple fractures, loose bone fragments, damage to ligaments, crushed bones, an unstable fracture or a fracture to the thighbone. On occasion recovery can be hindered by complications such as bone infection, nerve damage, and arthritis. Recovery from a broken bone injury from an auto accident can take a few weeks to several months.
Because of the treatment for a broken bone and the time required to recover from a broken bone result, victims incur substantial medical expenses, while also experiencing a loss of income as they are sometimes not able to work due to their limited mobility.
Pursing compensation for a broken bone injuryHolding the person responsible for your injuries legally accountable will help relieve the financial stress brought on by the accident. Through a personal injury lawsuit you may receive compensation for losses you suffered. For example, you may receive damages for both your past and future medical expenses. Medical expenses include emergency room services, hospital stay, surgery, prescriptions and rehabilitation. You also may be entitled to receive damages to cover your lost wages if you miss work while you recover. Lost wages includes the paychecks you miss, as well as the value of sick and vacation days that you used during your recovery. If as a result of your injury you are unable to earn the amount of money you otherwise would have, you may be entitled to damages for loss of earning capacity. The physical and emotional pain that you endured are also compensable in a personal injury lawsuit.
Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & AssociatesWhether you suffered a bone fracture in a car accident, bike accident, or a serious SUV Accident contact our legal team for guidance. If your injury was due to the negligence or recklessness of someone else, you may have the right to collect compensation. The staff at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates is experienced in handling personal injury cases stemming from vehicle, slip and fall, and construction accidents. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk County and Westchester County.