Meningitis is an infection that attacks the membrane that covers the brain called the meninges. There are two types of meningitis: bacterial and viral. While both types of meningitis are serious, bacterial meningitis can lead to a serious personal injury or death if not treated immediately. If bacterial meningitis is suspected, then a spinal tap is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of meningitis. Far too often a meningitis diagnosis is delayed because of the negligence of a medical professional. As a result the baby suffers brain damage that leads to lifetime developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, seizures, and hearing loss. Bacterial meningitis can be fatal. If your baby suffered a serious birth injury from meningitis that you believe were caused by the negligence of a medical professional, contact a New York cerebral palsy lawyer who will review your child’s medical records and help you recover the maximum compensation to which you are entitled to cover the medical expenses and other losses suffered.
Common causes and symptoms of bacterial meningitis in infantsBacteria that can cause bacterial meningitis includes haemophilus influenza, Group B Strep, Ecoli, listeria, and neisseria. These bacteria can be transferred from the mother to the baby during pregnancy. Doctors can test pregnant women for bacteria. It is important for mothers to get tested for Group B Strep because typically the do not know that they have it.
Symptoms of bacterial meningitis in infants includes high fever, constant crying, irritability, excessive sleepiness, poor feeding, stiffness in the body and neck, and a bulge in the soft spot on the head.
Treatment for bacterial meningitis consists of antibiotics. The key to minimizing brain damage and other serious injuries from bacterial meningitis is early detection and early treatment. Failure of your doctor to diagnose and properly treat meningitis can lead to brain damage, neurologic defects, cerebral palsy, and other permanent disabilities, or even death.
Pursuing damagesBacterial meningitis can be effectively treated if caught early. If your doctor fails to diagnose the condition and as a result your baby suffers serious injuries, then you have the right to pursue a medical malpractice claim. As a bacterial meningitis lawyer in New York will explain, the complications from meningitis such as brain damage require a significant amount of costly treatment. Through fund received from a medical malpractice settlement, you will be able to cover the costs of lifetime treatment for your child, as well as cover other related losses and expenses.
ExampleAt one week old, Joshua’s parents brought him to the emergency room at the local hospital because he had a fever and was having problems breathing. Dr. Smith diagnosed Joshua with an upper respiratory infection and sent him home. The next day, Joshua’s parents returned him to the hospital with more severe symptoms, including high fever, irritability, elevated heart rate, dehydration, and lethargy. This time Dr. Smith ordered a chest x-ray and ruled out pneumonia and a respiratory infection, but did not order any additional diagnostic tests. He sent Joshua home. Joshua was brought to the hospital again the next day because the symptoms had not improved. This time Dr. Evans ordered a lumbar puncture. Joshua was diagnosed with infant bacterial meningitis. It was then determined that Joshua had suffered brain damage and hearing loss as a result of the meningitis. With the help of a New York bacterial meningitis lawyer Joshua’s parents filed a lawsuit against Dr. Smith and the hospital, arguing that the delayed diagnosis of meningitis resulted in permanent harm to baby Joshua, who will grown up with hearing loss, development delays, and intellectual disabilities.
Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & AssociatesWe understand how difficult it is for parents to find out that their baby has a serious condition such as bacterial meningitis. Understandably, you want answers. If your baby suffered brain damage from bacterial meningitis, it is important that you are represented by a bacterial meningitis attorney serving New York who has legal knowledge and resources to stand up to the negligent medical staff and effectively advocate for your right to compensation. The skilled attorneys at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates have the experience, knowledge, and resources to help. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk County and Westchester County.