Bike Accident
Can I receive damages if I was hurt when a car hit me while I was riding my bike?
If you are injured in a bike accident that was caused by a negligent driver, you can file a claim against the driver and seek financial compensation. The amount of compensation to which you would be entitled to will depend on the severity if your injuries and includes your out of pocket expenses such as your medical bills as well as your lost wages. You might also be entitled to additional compensation for your pain and suffering.
What is a “dooring” bike accident?
A dooring bike accident occurs when a bicyclist runs into the open door of a car. This type of accident typically occurs when a person in a car fails to look before opening the car door. When the car door opens, the bicyclist does not have time to stop and it may be dangerous to move to the left out of the way of the door. When the bicyclist runs into the door, he or she may be thrown from the bike, sustaining serious injuries.
Can a bicyclist be liable for an accident involving a car?
When it comes to an accident, the party who was negligent would be liable for injuries and property damage. Bicyclists must follow the same rules of the road as a car. Because bicycles offer cyclists virtually no protection, when there is an accident with a car, the bicyclist often suffers more serious injuries than the driver of the car. Nevertheless, if the bicyclist was negligent, then he or she would be liable.