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Long Island Airplane Crash

Airplane crashes are rare, but when they occur, the physical injuries can be significant. Survivors are left with serious injuries that may include back injuries, broken bones, paralysis, head injuries or traumatic injuries to the brain. Such injuries require extensive treatment and long recovery times. Recovering victims often miss weeks or months of work. Others never return to work because their injuries are permanent. The families of lost loved ones are left emotionally devastated and may also suffer financially. At such an emotional time it is important to consult with an experienced Long Island airplane crash lawyer who will work hard to ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled based on the facts of your case.

Causes of aviation accidents

There are many different types of aircraft that can be involved in an accident leaving injured victims. The most well-known are large commercial jets and small private planes. However, there are other type of aircraft that can be involved in accidents such as helicopters and hang gliders.

Just like other types of accidents such as car accidents, boat accidents and motorcycle accidents, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to tragic accidents including pilot error, faulty equipment, poor weather, interference by birds, fueling errors and negligence on the part of air traffic controllers.

In addition to problems that lead to plane crashes, victims are injured in other ways. For example, passengers can be injured by luggage falling from overhead storage or by food and beverage carts. Passengers can also trip and fall on planes, and suffer injuries in airports, on jetways, and on stairs leading to airplanes.

Pursuing a personal injury claim

As an airplane crash attorney in Long Island will explain, the law allows victims of aviation accidents to file claims against the negligent party. Aviation-related claims can be complicated. Depending on where the accident occurred and the cause of the accident, different laws and procedures apply to filing claims. Possible defendants include the airline, the manufacturer of the aircraft, the agency who operates the airport, a subcontractor or a private individual.

Through a personal injury claim you can demand payment for the losses you suffered because of the accident including:

  • Past and future medical expenses: Aviation accidents can leave victims with catastrophic injuries such as brain injuries, traumatic amputation and paralysis. Such injuries require expensive treatment and long recovery times. Oftentimes the injuries are permanent.
  • Lost wages. If you have a serious injury you will miss work. This will mean lost wages and lost benefits. This may also mean that you lose your job and your once promising career. Thus, you may be awarded compensation for both lost wages and loss of future earning capacity.

If a loved one dies in an airplane crash, the legal representative of that person has can sue to recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates

Plane accident cases are extremely complicated and may involve state, federal as well as international law. To make sure that your case is properly handled, it is critical that you are represented by airplane crash attorneys serving Long Island with experience handling airplane crash cases. Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates to discuss the details of your case. Our staff is experienced in handling claims that result from catastrophic accidents such as accidents involving commercial planes, private jets and helicopters. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk County and Westchester County.

Client Reviews
Great attorney helped out my family at a very hard time for us. His compassion and professionalism were greatly appreciated. Can't thank him and his staff enough for all the support and legal guidance ! Brad